Everything You Need To Know About the High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation
By Lidia Nalbandyan
Earlier this month, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres announced the launch of High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation. The panel is expected to raise awareness about the transformative impact of digital technologies, such as artificial intelligence and robotics, across society and the economy, and contribute to the broader public debate on how to ensure a safe and inclusive digital future for all, taking into account relevant human rights norms.
The selected Co-Chairs of the panel are Ms. Melinda Gates, Co-Chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and Mr. Jack Ma, Executive Chairman of the Alibaba Group. Recognizing that new technologies will impact everyone, the panel is made up of a diverse group of experts representing different areas of expertise, including governments, private industry, civil society, academia, and the technical community. The High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation is also diverse demographically: half of its members are women and, because digital technologies will have a larger and more direct impact on future generations, several panel members are under the age of 35.
In this digital era, it is particularly important to understand the power of technology and the impact it has on our lives. But it is even more important to use that power for a meaningful cause. This is why this panel was created: to cultivate ideas and build approaches that can help with advancing the Global Goals. It will also be responsible for identifying policy, research, and information gaps and will provide stakeholder groups with proposals on how they can make the most of digital transformations. Secretary-General Guterres explained:
“The scale, spread and speed of change made possible by digital technologies is unprecedented, but the current means and levels of international cooperation are unequal to the challenge. Digital technologies make a significant contribution to the realisation of the Sustainable Development Goals and they cut uniquely across international boundaries.”
If we want to ensure that no one is left behind, it is important to foster international cooperation on topics such as digital transformation. This panel will serve as a great platform to include diverse voices and open a dialogue on how digital technologies can be incorporated in our journey to achieve the Global Goals. Melinda Gates expands:
“If all people, especially the poorest and most vulnerable, have equal access to digital technology, they will use it to improve life for themselves and their families and raise their voices in conversations about what the future holds. Enabling this widescale empowerment is what this panel is about.”
The United Nations and its agencies are major champions for utilizing these new digital technologies in their endeavor to drive progress for the SDGs. Here are some examples of how the UN and other development organizations are already using digital technology to support sustainable development in different parts of the world:
Blockchain for the Global Goals
The World Food Programme is currently using blockchain to advance the lives of refugees by providing them with the food and aid they need. Blockchain is also being used by the UN and its partners to prevent child trafficking. Check out Blockchain for Development to learn more!
- Mobile data for a sustainable future
Two alliances, DIAL and Data2x, both part of the United Nations Foundation, are making the most of mobile data by using it to advance the SDGs globally. Mobile phones are an effective way to connect people to the services that can enhance the quality of their lives. Learn other ways the UN and its supporters are using mobile technology for sustainable development here.
- 3D printing and its impact on the humanitarian response
3D printing is one of the most prominent innovations of the century. Because of its versatile functions, it is being used to achieve sustainability in all aspects. Currently, the UN is using it to find solutions for various issues. For example, thanks to this amazing technology, the humanitarian response in Nepal has become stronger and more efficient.
The SDGs were created for everyone. If we want to drive progress, then international cooperation is absolutely necessary. If you want to learn more about the High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation, click here.
Interested in how the UN and other development organizations are using digital and emerging technologies to support sustainable development? Explore the many ways through our #SocialGoodTech series.